Oral Sedation
With any sedation dentistry in Stafford, Texas, we recommend you have a friend or family member drive you to and from your appointment. If you have questions about the sedation options offered by our dentist, Dr. Richard Lam, please call us at (281) 969-3933. We will do all we can to make your experience with us as comfortable as possible.

what to expect
An oral sedative is taken in the form of a pill before the start of your dental procedure. The dosage can be adjusted to produce a mild to moderate sedation effect. Oral sedatives are either swallowed whole in pill form or can be dissolved under the tongue. Both methods work in a matter of minutes. Commonly prescribed medications include Valium®, Halcion®, Sonata®, Ativan®, Vistaril®, and Versed®. The oral sedative will make you feel more relaxed and drowsy. The drowsiness will last for some time after your procedure.
Some sedative drugs can affect your liver and heart. It’s important to check with your practitioner and/or pharmacist. You should be sure to inform your doctor or dentist if any of the following apply: known allergy to the drug, narrow-angle glaucoma, pregnancy, severe respiratory disease (COPD), congestive heart failure (CHF), impaired kidney or liver function, depression/bipolar disorder/psychoses, chronic bronchitis and some other conditions. It’s also important to let us know if you are taking other medications. There could be possible drug interactions.